7 steps to take amazing instagram photos plus 10 must have photo apps

7 steps to take amazing instagram photos plus 10 must have photo apps

Hey Guys! This is Audrey from The Daily Wyatt and I admit I use my iPhone as my main camera more then I use my dslr camera. The main reason is because its small enough to stick in my pocket, always available plus I am an instagram-oholic. Arent you?

So today I thought I would share my tips and tricks on how to get amazing photos from your iPhone. I hope you use them to your advantage.

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1. Never use the instagram camera. I notice that when I have used the instagram camera the quality is well, crap, grainy. plus you cant take multiple shots. So your stuck with that imagine until you load it to instagram.
2. Hold your phone like you would hold your camera. With two hands. The more steady you hold it the better the image will be.

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3. Find the perfect light. Its just the same as when taking photos with your dslr. you look for that perfect light. do the same thing with your iPhone. The better the light, the better the picture. (you could use a tripod even.)
4. DONT ZOOM. ever. You will lose heaps of quality and your photo will be extremely pixelated and grainy even if its just a tiny bit zoomed. If you want a close up picture go closer to the object. period.


5. Clean the lens often. (duh)
6. Look for different perspectives. I know when I shoot with my dslr camera I take the time to find a different way to look at what I am shooting. I do the same with my iPhone. shoot from below, from up high, from a different side. Shoot multiple times to get the photo that looks the best to you. (you can always delete and start over.)
7. Use other photography apps to process your imagine.


The main apps I use to process my iPhone photos are:
  • Snapseed: Worth every penny. You can adjust everything! I mean EVERYTHING
  • Vscocam: This is my all time favorite filter app. Comes with 10 different filters that you then can adjust to your liking. Love this app! Love it!
  • ShakeitPhoto: This is my go to quick edit. It acts just like a polaroid and 9 out of ten times you use it the photo comes out looking great with not a lot of work.
  • PS express: I use it only to reduce noise. Thats it.
  • Lenslight: When I want to add extra light to my photo to give it more of a dramatic feel I use this app.


  • Crossprocess: Its the same concept of shake it photo but gives it a more dramatic look.
  • Picfx: Its an all in one place for filters, textures light and so much more.
  • Pictueshow: I havent use this one in a long time but I do love the frames and textures it has.
  • easyTITLER: The best app to add words to your photos. Gives you a ton of fronts and options to adjust the opacity of them.
  • Squaready: The perfect app to use when you dont want to crop you photo into a square to add it to instagram.


I hope this inspires you to take more amazing photos with your camera phone.

  • Do you have a favorite camera phone photo? Share them on our Facebook page here 
  • Is there other editing apps you think we should try? Let us know in the comments. 
  • Android users what apps do you use?
  • Follow us on instagram @thedailywyatt@satakieli, @sarahmhalstead, @alitajewel ?@summercrosbie @desirae_ra @stephaniesclark  @andthenshesnapped @melissabrich leave your handler in the comments and we will check out your feeds too!
Thanks guys for taking the time to read this post have a good Monday and I will see you again next time!

Audrey from The Daily Wyatt

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