CoroCoro Soon Announcing New Pokemon Game Information

CoroCoro Soon Announcing New Pokemon Game Information

I cant remember if I made a post on the game announcement or not, so Ill explain. Dengeki DS revealed that there will be a new Pokemon game coming out soon. Satoru Iwata said a few months ago that there would be a Pokemon game released for the 3DS. Here is what he said:

Naturally, we expect 3D viewing to become one of the attractions when the new Pok�mon title is released on Nintendo 3DS, but a number of other attractions, which do not depend upon the 3D aspect, shall also be realised," Iwata told investors. "I have no hesitation about the prospect that a Pok�mon-franchise title will be released for Nintendo 3DS.
People have been speculating that the game announced in Dengeki DS would be the 3DS game talked about by Mr.Iwata. Now that its all explained, I can get to the point of this post. CoroCoro will be showing more information in its June 15th issue, and Dengeki DS also says that it will be revealing more info in its May 21st issue.

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