A Prophecy from Rob Rufus about the End Time Glorious Church!!

A Prophecy from Rob Rufus about the End Time Glorious Church!!

I was re-reading some of my notes from Robs sermons that I have been writing and was immediately drawn to a prophecy that he gave during one of his sermons on the "Grace-Hating Spirit" series. It was an incredible word - full of depth, glory and anointing and I am not quite sure whether I didnt really allow it to sink in when I was transcribing the notes. Here it is - in full;

"God is raising up people weve never heard of. Theres no great names that will appear in these next few years. People are going to come out of obscurity who have been preserving their freedom and will be the new Joshua leadership that will take the Church into the Promised Land.

There are Mosess that took people out of bondage but sadly they didnt take them into promised inheritance. There is coming a Church around the world that will not just come out of slavery but will go into promised inheritance and posess the land at this age".

Once again I am staggered at the paralell in vision between Rob Rufus and Ern Baxters land-mark preaching on "The Land" from the Dales Bible Week 1976. The land simply cannot be heaven in type! Therefore if it is not heaven, it must be something else - somewhere the Church is going before Jesus Christ returns in glory and victory. I believe Ern Baxter was similar to Moses in seeing something of the Land that he preached so dramatically in the 1970s during the heights of the Charismatic Movement. I think men such as Rob Rufus are carrying on that vision and we would do well to heed what they are preaching and examine the Scripture to find out what the land does indeed mean.

For it could be that our "Kadesh Crisis" is fast approaching.

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