Android Won't Change Contact Name

So i'm new to android and i have a verizon s5. i am having a weird issue with the contacts. i can go in and edit the contact's name and save it. if i do voice dialing it will know what the name is. but it is displayed everywhere still as the old name. i can only see the new name when i go into the edit contact screen.. Whatsapp displaying numbers not names on android phone by: waseem patwegar some whatsapp users on samsung galaxy and other android phones have reported seeing a contact’s number on whatsapp instead of seeing the contact’s name.. Select the contact/name you want to change or edit. when the contact/name shows up on the screen, tap/touch on the pencil [at the upper right hand corner of the screen] icon to edit. if you are on lollipop, tap on the triangle sign at the bottom [left] of the screen..

App permissions in Android – Kaspersky Lab official blog

App permissions in android – kaspersky lab official blog

By default, android smartphones provide contacts lists (or address books, if you want to call them like that) which sort contacts alphabetically by first name. but what if you like your contacts to be sorted by last name? well, google lets you easily change the way contacts are sorted.. From the edit page, you can edit the contact how ever you see fit. as i mentioned earlier, you can add multiple phone numbers and email addresses, organization names, and group contacts.. For some reason, when i edit a contact, their name won't change, for example, if i put in "john dow" when i first add a contact, if i change it to "john doe", it doesn't update after i save it, but when i go to edit it again, it shows up correctly as "john doe"..

android won't change contact name

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